Alt+255 is a way to rename a folder to no a folder and press F2 to rename, then press backspace to clear old name and then press Alt+255 (holding one Alt key press 2 then 5 then 5) then press enter to have that folder with blank name.
All the files you open will be stored in your user profile in a hidden folder named My Recent Documents. This is really annoying and a treat to our privacy! We can make this folder auto cleared on logoff using a single registry change.
1. Click Start > Run > Type in regedit
2. In the Registry editor navigate to the following key.
HKEY_Current_User > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Policies > Explorer
3. Right click on the Right Pane > New > Dword Value & name it as ClearRecentDocsOnExit .
4. Double Clcik on it & se the value to 1 .
This will clear the My Recent Documents Folder automatically on logoff.
To make it normal either delete the Dword value or set the value to 0.
Bottom tips are pop up windows appears at the right side of task bar. To enable/disable it go to registry then in to HKEY CURRENT USER/software /microsoft /windows/current version/explorer /advanced . Create Dword Enable Bottom Tips. Make its value equals 0.
To disable commant prompt, go to start> run> type gpedit.msc then press enter. Now group policy window will open. In this go to User configuration\Administrative\templates \system folder . Now click on prevent access to the command prompt , and enable the setting. That is the trick.