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Tips For Making A Good Website

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Firstly, you have to determine what you aim with the site. If it is a personal site try to promote effectively and positively. Provide useful content only.

Keep your site simple but sophisticated.

Whatever may be the subject make it better than what they can find elsewhere. Make your site maximum user friendly.

Your web address should be short, simple and permanent.

Register your web in important search engines and always it 'searchable'.

Try to enter the most possible keywords to list your site in topic search results. Include the keywords that are chanceful.

If you have lots of materials and your own domain, you might want to give your site its own search function.

Set links at bottom and top of each page for easy navigation.

Avoid unnecessary and huge number of frames and tables on site.

Design your site with minimal software dependency. Visitors might not have it nor will they try to download it.

Make your designs considering low performing systems and slow internet connections. It will allow users easy download and greater accessibility.

Save the picture as Gif files as much as possible because they save memory. While using jpeg files save them in medium quality only.

Design your site considering different resolutions of various displays. Also make display brightness set up to a compromising level.

While designing for different platforms, whether a PC or Mac, try to maintain a standard visibility.

Design for different browsers. It is important to test your pages in as many versions of as many popular browsers as you can.

Design for low maintenance. Avoid the update links like News, Calendars, Events etc if you are not going for regular maintenance. Try to start simply with content, and then gradually you can make it big.

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